Looking For Training?! You've Come To The Right Place.
Our environment includes 80 acres of excitement, adventure, and exploration. We are eager to hear from you to answer any and all questions.
Thanks again for visiting! Available @ 251-800-1677
Thanks again for visiting! Available @ 251-800-1677
Camp Pup
Fundamentals Of Life
For the family that wants a great start for their K-9 companion.
This program is built to teach potty training, socialization, simple obedience, pack walks, communal feeding, and kennel training.
Pet parents are encouraged to visit to socialize during camp.
Only For Puppies Up To 6 Months Of Age
This program is built to teach potty training, socialization, simple obedience, pack walks, communal feeding, and kennel training.
Pet parents are encouraged to visit to socialize during camp.
Only For Puppies Up To 6 Months Of Age
Pure Pawsitivity
Positive Reinforcement & Social Stimulation
For The Family that is looking for an obedient dog but doesn't want anything too serious, no robots.
Let's make sure we keep all that fun puppy spirit but put a little social emotional intelligence in them.
We will keep things light and fun with treats, bones, and silly social scenarios.
Includes All Training As Described Below
Let's make sure we keep all that fun puppy spirit but put a little social emotional intelligence in them.
We will keep things light and fun with treats, bones, and silly social scenarios.
Includes All Training As Described Below
Treat Training> Sit < Sit with verbal and hand signal. > Stay < Stay with verbal and hand signal for 30 seconds. > Come < Come when called or for dinner bell. > Down < Point to floor means to lay down. > Place < Go to dog training cot for treat. |
Leash Walking> Loose Leash < Pressure on leash means to return to the handler > Stop < We teach the dog to stop walking when we stop walking. > Sit < Leash pressure up means for the dog to sit. > Social < No playing, barking, or lunging while on leash. > Find It < Finding a ball, toy, or food to enhance the fun. |
Basic Obedient Social Scenarios
For the family that wants an obedient K-9 around the house for greeting friends and family.
Pet parents are encouraged to visit to socialize and train during the process.
Pure Pawsitivity + All Phases As Described Below
Pet parents are encouraged to visit to socialize and train during the process.
Pure Pawsitivity + All Phases As Described Below
Obedience> Sit < Obey the verbal command with distractions. > Stay < Stay with verbal OR hand signal for 2 minutes. > Come < Trained to report directly to handler and sit on arrival. > Down < Point to floor OR verbal cue means to lay and stay laying. > Place < Go to assigned place and stay until released. SocializationTrust that your dog is accustomed to being social with men, women, children, dogs, riding in the car, and walking in the rain. Introduced to vacuum cleaners and thunderstorms as natural occurrences. Naturally dogs learn everything in a social setting, not dedicated training environments. Your dog is meant to listen in social settings. |
Leash> Heel < Walk on your left hand side. The dog will sit when not walking. > Stop < We teach the dog to stop walking when we stop walking. > Distance Down < Laying down when staying at a distance. > Leave It < Leaving objects on the ground or animals during walk. > Find It < Finding a ball or object and lay until released. E-collarConditioned to understand why pressure is applied and how to turn it off given verbal commands. Trusted come when called off leash in any social scenario or setting. Warning tone precedes pressure. Your K-9 understands classical and operant conditioning. We overlay the e-collar pressure with the obedient behavioral conditioning. |
Bird Dog
Upland Field Guide
For the hunter that wants an obedient K-9 for the family to enjoy but a hard hunting dog to point in the field.
Hunters are encouraged to visit to hunt quail & pheasant during the training process.
THE B.O.S.S Training Phases + All Phases As Described Below
Hunters are encouraged to visit to hunt quail & pheasant during the training process.
THE B.O.S.S Training Phases + All Phases As Described Below
| Quarter |
Trained to work a field from side to side as hunter moves through field searching for game.
| Woah |
When scent cone is hit, bird dog points and stays steady.
| Steady To Shot |
Conditioned to shot, remains steady to fall. Trained to point until released.
| Force Fetch |
Trained to find and retrieve dummies and birds when prompted.
| Hold |
Will hold dummies and birds until told to release.
| Out/Drop |
Release training objects and/or bird from mouth.
Trained to work a field from side to side as hunter moves through field searching for game.
| Woah |
When scent cone is hit, bird dog points and stays steady.
| Steady To Shot |
Conditioned to shot, remains steady to fall. Trained to point until released.
| Force Fetch |
Trained to find and retrieve dummies and birds when prompted.
| Hold |
Will hold dummies and birds until told to release.
| Out/Drop |
Release training objects and/or bird from mouth.
Defending The Values Of Democracy
Designed to deliver a FINISHED K-9. You will learn to be your K-9's ambassador; advising them through life's more serious endeavors .
Handlers are encouraged to work alongside their K-9 during the training process.
Includes All Phases As Described Below + THE B.O.S.S Training Phases
Handlers are encouraged to work alongside their K-9 during the training process.
Includes All Phases As Described Below + THE B.O.S.S Training Phases
| Set Estate Boundary |
Establish De-Militarized Zone
| Identify & Alert |
Continuous bark alert until engagement, return to base, or pedestal haptic.
| Tug Of War |
The "What, When, and Where" of "Bite Work Programming".
| Focus |
Shift attention to and from target to handler on command.
| Resource Guarding |
K-9 will understand the need to be in-between target and handler OR home front.
| Engage Target |
Stop Barking, Engage Target(s), Continue The Fight Until Released From Duty
| Release From Apprehension |
K-9 called off pursuit of apprehension OR release from engagement.
| Return To Base |
Return To Dog Palace OR Pedestal Placement
Establish De-Militarized Zone
| Identify & Alert |
Continuous bark alert until engagement, return to base, or pedestal haptic.
| Tug Of War |
The "What, When, and Where" of "Bite Work Programming".
| Focus |
Shift attention to and from target to handler on command.
| Resource Guarding |
K-9 will understand the need to be in-between target and handler OR home front.
| Engage Target |
Stop Barking, Engage Target(s), Continue The Fight Until Released From Duty
| Release From Apprehension |
K-9 called off pursuit of apprehension OR release from engagement.
| Return To Base |
Return To Dog Palace OR Pedestal Placement
| Search |
K-9 sniffs objects that are identified by handler.
| Indication |
K-9 has a built in indication. If needed we can teach a down/speak.
| Scent Imprint |
Scent in which once identified is rewarded. Typically firearms and ammunition.
| Discrimination |
K-9 should ONLY indicate to the scent imprinted. K-9 should continue indication until released.
| Dynamic Search |
Conditioned to search vehicles, people, and bags. Search of moving persons and belongings.
| Reward |
Motivation K-9 is willing to work for as a reward. Ideally a retrieving object.
K-9 sniffs objects that are identified by handler.
| Indication |
K-9 has a built in indication. If needed we can teach a down/speak.
| Scent Imprint |
Scent in which once identified is rewarded. Typically firearms and ammunition.
| Discrimination |
K-9 should ONLY indicate to the scent imprinted. K-9 should continue indication until released.
| Dynamic Search |
Conditioned to search vehicles, people, and bags. Search of moving persons and belongings.
| Reward |
Motivation K-9 is willing to work for as a reward. Ideally a retrieving object.
| Scent Imprint |
Trained that handler provides scent to search.
| Grass Search |
Conditioned to search in fields.
| Hardscape |
Conditioned to search concrete and gravel.
| Home Search |
Conditioned to search in urban environments.
| Duration |
Conditioned to track scent for longer distances.
| Reward |
K-9 is rewarded for finding persons of interest.
Trained that handler provides scent to search.
| Grass Search |
Conditioned to search in fields.
| Hardscape |
Conditioned to search concrete and gravel.
| Home Search |
Conditioned to search in urban environments.
| Duration |
Conditioned to track scent for longer distances.
| Reward |
K-9 is rewarded for finding persons of interest.